Windows power settings not working
Windows power settings not working

windows power settings not working

When I went back to the power options, I apparently clicked on something different and ended up on a page that had a dropdown menu for me to select a new plan (pretty sure it wasnt the "create a new plan," because I wasnt creating one, I was unlocking the "high performance" since "balanced" had been the only option.)

windows power settings not working windows power settings not working

Adjusting my settings wasnt a priority so I just used my acer keyboard to dim. I just installed 10 home upgrad e from 8.1 and tried to dim my display, then noticed there was only 1 plan (balanced) originally available, with no brightness gauge for me to slide left/right, and I think "Change Settings that are Currently Unavailable" either wasnt there or it was grayed-out. Sparks, do you have hibernate yet? Unfortunately I was experimenting and not following anyones step-by-step for me to cut n paste here, but I somehow got mine:

Windows power settings not working